Engage clients on a pathway to resilience

Engage clients on a pathway to resilience

Move beyond risk to resilience using XDI's data, insights and tools.

Explore varied forward-looking projections under different assumptions and consider your opportunities for risk reduction and adaptation.

Engage clients on a pathway to resilience

Deep dive into use cases

Asset management: Climate resilience strategies for real asset portfolios
Asset management: Climate resilience strategies for real asset portfolios

Asset management: Climate resilience strategies for real asset portfolios

XDI worked with a global investment manager with Assets Under Management greater than one trillion US dollars to assess physical climate risks to its real assets portfolio.
Corporates: Adaptation measures to ensure continued productivity
Corporates: Adaptation measures to ensure continued productivity

Corporates: Adaptation measures to ensure continued productivity

A large supermarket group with assets in multiple countries recently had its operations impacted by two back-to-back extreme weather events. It was dissatisfied with the results from a top-down, postal code level of physical climate risk analysis received from a previous provider as key insights into necessary adaptation actions were limited. The company was looking for a provider who could offer highly granular, asset-level results that informed cost-benefit analyses of various adaptation pathways.
CASE STUDY: City planning - urban heat
CASE STUDY: City planning - urban heat

CASE STUDY: City planning - urban heat

Increasing urban heat is already resulting in adverse impacts on human health and asset performance in Eastern Sydney. These impacts are only going to intensify in the future unless ambient temperatures are reduced significantly through implementation of heat adaptation. Sydney Water - a state-owned institution came to XDI in order to understand the risk excess heat presented now and into the future, and to explore adaption options to address it.
Greater climate planning for Greater Cities
Greater climate planning for Greater Cities

Greater climate planning for Greater Cities

The Greater Cities Commission partnered with the Office of Energy and Climate Change (OECC) to generate a view of climate risk across the Six Cities Region using XDI data and analysis. The analysis involved a high level regional analysis to identify and quantify risk, a more detailed analysis of high risk areas and identification of adaptation measures. The analysis was used to inform GCC plans and inform investment pathways.

Engage clients on a pathway to resilience

Move beyond risk to resilience using XDI's data, insights and tools.

Explore varied forward-looking projections under different assumptions and consider your opportunities for risk reduction and adaptation.

See all solutions:

Screen for assets most-at-risk
Asset-level deep dive
Meet reporting requirements
Stress test for climate risk
Engage clients on a pathway to resilience
Delivered the way you want it

Our data has been tested by the demands of the global market since 2007

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From simple, low cost analysis, to complex, detailed and specific,
XDI delivers actionable results

Our vision is not just to identify physical climate risks, but to mitigate them.
XDI can help you develop business plans for adaptation, helping you move from risk to resilience.

Talk to us today to find out more.